Albums à venir

Album Artiste
5 mai
So Many Other Realities Exists Simultaneously Atmosphere
Tired Hearts Bailen
Le Nid Blanche Baillargeon
La nouvelle saison Dans l'Shed
Dear-God Dear-God
Wait Til I Get Over Durand Jones
Est-ce que ça fait sens? (EP) Fauzene
Peace Talks (EP) Feathership
In My Myth (EP) Flasher
Secret Life Fred Again & Brian Eno
Lustre Parfait Gord Downie + Bob Rock
Mercy of the Crane Folk Immaterial Possession
Solo 2 (EP) Jesse Mac Cormack
Fase Luna LA Priest
Prudence est Denise Les frères Goyette
Les pieds en ballerine (EP) Libelle
In Search of Gold Mouraine
Microcosme Pastel Barbo
Fog Wall (EP) Patrick Holland
Black Cat Back Stage Poppy Patica
The Rat Road Sbtrkt
Silver Haze Sqürl
Everything Harmony The Lemon Twigs
Wheel of Love They Call Me Rico
The Wretched; the Ruinous Unearth
Gris Valery Vaughn
La fable de la grenouille dorée Vendôme
Rail Nomads West Trainz
An Inbuilt Fault Westerman
Gateway Experience Witch Prophet
Particles Vol.2 (EP) Woolen
12 mai
Kinda Happy, Kinda Sad Alien Tango
The Love Invention Alison Goldfrapp
10 000 lux Après l'asphalte
The Dark Side of Venus Artistes variés
The Last Rotation of Earth BC Camplight
Coriace (EP) BEBLY
Terrasite Cattle Decapitation
Les mémoires passées (EP) Charles Cantin
Could Have Done Anything Charlotte Cornfield
When we were that what wept for the sea Colin Stetson
Neon Flowers Dominic Mario
(Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality Eluvium
Le pouvoir de l'esprit est infini Eman
London Ko Fatoumata Diawara
Hauterive Hauterive
Echo Palace Iguana Death Cult
The Hum James Ellis Ford
Fear Be Gone Keegan Powell
Miraculeuse (EP) Kreise
Power Is the Pharmacy Ky
The Isolator L Con
Soif L'Isle
Les heures innocentes (EP) Lysandre
I Hope You Can Forgive Me Madison McFerrin
Vengo De Frente Vol I & II Mateo
Vents contre airs Mathieu Désy
Orbweaving Midwife + Vyva Melinkolya
Flowers at Your Feet Rahill
Companion Piece Rob I. Miller
Radiant Music Symphony Orchestra
Baby, You're Projecting Vivek Shraya
Black Cloud Wila Frank
Femme ou fantaisie Zoe Sanders
19 mai
The Answer Is Always Yes Alex Lahey
Sépia (EP) Alex Melville
Tracey Denim Bar Italia
Dismantled into Juice (EP) Blawan
Bon Débarras en famille Bon Débarras
Villagers Califone
Songs About Songs Chris Velan
Walk Around the Moon Dave Matthews Band
Infréquentable DawaMafia
Drastic Symphonies Def Leppard & the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra
Eyes of Others Eyes of Others
Fovelle No.2 (EP) Fovelle
...qu'un cauchemar devienne si vrai Fuudge
L.A. Shit GracieHorse
Now Graham Nash
Hinterland Jealous of the Birds
Kaytraminé Kaytraminé
Gag Order Kesha
Bitter Smile Kill the Princess
Pseudoscience Fiction Kristian North
Ovale Lune très belle
i've seen a way Mandy, Indiana
Les mots, l'élan et la chance (EP) Marie Onile
Hawksworth Matt Espy
End of Everything Mega Bog
Temps partiel Patrick Bourdon
Akousmatikous Salami Rose Joe Louis
And still the Lungs Won't Fill SAURIEN
The Feelings Cure Setting Sun
I Am the Dog Sir Chloe
Reflections Sufjan Stevens, Timo Andres & Conor Hanick
The Big Mess Tanlines
Party Gator Purgatory Temps
Holocene The Ocean
Toxic Positivity The Used
Amatssou Tinariwen
FAUNA Wings for Louise
26 mai
My Soft Machine Arlo Parks
New Excellent Woman Asher White
Mádibá Blick Bassy
Sus Dog Clark
Gut Daniel Blumberg
Romantic Piano Gia Margaret
Originalien Graham Czach
Falcon's Heart Joe Grass
Everyday Is the Song Joni Void
More Photographs (A Continuum) Kevin Morby
La crème de la crème (EP) Lanuit
Universal Pressure (EP) Lunacy
Le meilleur dans rien Massicotte
Miranda and the Beat Miranda and the Beat
Roach Miya Folick
Where the Flowers Don't Die Monaleo
J'vais bien (EP) Nochka
F.E.M.M.E.S Nyna Loren
Temps partiel Patrick Boudon
Nouvelle administration Philippe B
Trop peu de matière dans le vacarme (EP) Polymatopée
Easy Listening (EP) Quickly, Quickly
Bienvenu au pays Robert Robert
Versions du vivant Sauf les drones
Archangel Hill Shirley Collins
Rien ne sera comme avant (EP) Sonai Joanette
Non conventionnel Souldia
The girl is Crying in Her Latte Sparks
The Aquatic Museum The Aquatic Museum
Free Rein to Passion The Dirty Nil
III The Fucking Champs
The Goyt Method (EP) The Orielles
Drain Troller
Polychromatique Van Lab
Everyone's Crushed Water From Your Eyes
Dreams in Splattered Lines Wolf Eyes

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