Albums à venir

Album Artiste
1 janvier
Music for Winter Vol. 1 (EP) Another Sky
Normal de l'Est Connaisseur Ticaso
AQEOTW (EP) Dona Confuse
Fuck Art The Dirty Nil
8 janvier
Introducing... Aaron Frazer
GREENFIELDS: The Gibb Brothers Songbook, Vol. 1 Barry Gibb
Polaroïd Malibu Echoplain
Every Mover Hilang Child
Heaux Tales Jazmine Sullivan
J.T. Steve Earle & The Dukes
Extension Tébeihef
Welfare Jazz Viagra Boys
The Hills (EP) Willows
15 janvier
Overstand Apifera
Two Saviors Buck Meek
Complete United Artists Singles 1977-1980 7” (boîtier de collection) Buzzcocks
Rat-A-Tat-Tat Dale Crover
No Place Danielle Durack
Dix-visions (B) (EP) Dix-Iple Deca
My Good Friend (EP) Eadsé
The Helm of Sorrow (EP) Emma Ruth Rundle + Thou
Monde flottant (EP) Faggia
Sticky Thumb (EP) Hether
Adaptation Vol.2 (EP) Julien Manaud
Lavabotomie (EP) Lavabo
Monde sensible Mesparrow
Painting the Roses Midnight Sister
Amperland, NY (bande originale) Pinegrove
Cheater Pom Poko
Drunk Tank Pink Shame
Spare Ribs Sleaford Mods
22 janvier
‘Grey Matter AR’ Snapchat Compositions [100] ACT!
Sweet Montérégie Alex Burger
Isles Bicep
Grand manège Calendes
Narrow Sea Caroline Shaw
Heaven Beats Iowa (EP) Cub Scout Bowling Pins
Future Proof (EP) Erick the Architect
The Wide James Yorkston & the Second Hand Orchestra
The Tenets (EP) Kawthra
Cooler Returns Kiwi Jr.
Everything's Fine (EP) LaFrange
Le rayon vert (EP) Lewis Evans
You've Got the Whole Night to Go (EP) Logic1000
Face A (EP) Mathieu Crouzet
Trees Mr. Santé
Haute-volta Nœud
Le grand merdier (EP) Oli Laroche
Palberta 5000 Palberta
Home Rhye
The Last Exit Still Corners
Toï Toï (réédition) Suzane
Forever Teen Creeps
Royal Dagger Ballet TRZTN
Soleil '96 Vanille
Kvitravn Wardruna
Witch Egg Witch Egg
Breathe Out (EP) Zaabriskie
29 janvier
Partis pour la gloire (EP) 3 Balles 2 Prises
Earth Voices Amanda Tosoff
Vague distance (EP) Ambre Ciel
Sitka Andreanne A. Malette
Revolutionary Love Ani Difranco
Collapsed in Sunbeams Arlo Parks
Never Enough Baits
Fear Tour Live Album (Live) Begonia
Le sens de la fin Bisbayé
La route (EP) Ceshire Carr
Dead Hand Control Chris Baio
The Kind Chris Garneau
Flowers for A Friend (EP) Claire Ridgely
New Fragility Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Teenage Lullabies (EP) Cloe Wilder
OK J'avoue (EP) Corail
Vallée embrumée Dans l'Shed
Astronomie(suite) (EP) Dany Placard
Tempo Dom La Nena
Blue (EP) Emma Beko
Xénial Blues Frank Custeau
Vertiges Gaspard
CAILLOU Gisèle Pape
On All Fours Goat Girl
Our Two Skins (Remixed) (EP) Gordi
Mini album (EP) Guillaume Bordel
Angoisse et maracas La Fille de la côte
Sound Ancestors Madlib & Four Tet
Hour after Hour Magon
The Third Chimpanzee (EP) Martin Gore
L'autre Mathilde Duval-Laplante
Reverse circumsition (Remix) Patriarchy
Légèrement Rosier
Imperial SOEN
Toursist 20th Anniversary Travel Version (Remix/Reprises) St Germain
The Future Bites Steven Wilson
All Bets Are Off Tamar Aphek
Damoclès (EP) Teenage Witch
Saisons (mixtape) Tessae
Are the Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings The Besnard Lakes
I've Seen All I Need to See The Body
Vertigo Days The Notwist
Luma Tom Ibarra
OK Human Weezer
Night Has Come (EP) Wild Fox

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