Albums à venir

Album Artiste
7 janvier
Chay's Palace Chayse Porter
The Space Love Emily Pello
Fix Yourself, Not the World The Wombats
Night Call Years & Years
14 janvier
Fragments Bonobo
Old Dead Young : B-Sides and Rarities Broken Social Scene
Covers Cat Power
Suffer Summer Chastity
From A Birds Eye View Cordae
The World to Come (Bande-son) Daniel Blumberg
Sick! Earl Sweatshirt
The Boy Named If Elvis Costello
Plex Fazer
Caprisongs (mixtape) FKA Twigs
Storm Queen Grace Cummings
Hellbent (EP) Impending Doom
Éclat Labelle
Hop Up Orlando Weeks
Brightside The Lumineers
Voyeurist Underoath
Santolina (EP) Yot Club
21 janvier
Norah Alaskam
Hors-Saison Alexia Gredy
Little Green House Anxious
Disrespectful Bad Boy Chiller Crew
Once Twice Melody — Chapter 3 (EP) Beach House
Crisis of Faith Billy Talent
W Boris
The Runner (bande-son) Boy Harsher
The Winter Mission Brad Barr
Artefact Clever Hopes
Avoid Discipline (EP) Dante Matas
Self Titled Erik Walters
Hoya Fhunyue Gao & Sven Kacirek
Live Slow Die Wise Geoffroy
World Torture (EP) Great American Ghost
Soft Hearts Hollow Twin
Good and Green Again Jake Xerxes Fussell
Fall In Love Not In Line Kids On A Crime Spree
Blood Street Kiefer Sutherland
Butterfly 3001 (Remix) King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Fragments Leela
Crash Les Louanges
Deux soleils (EP) Lizzy & the Fanatics
Ex-Voto Lonny
Lwazo Sirois & le Dernier Rodéo (EP) Lwazo Sirois & le Dernier Rodéo
Vice & versa (EP) Mensis
Change the Show Miles Kane
Trancestral Oktoécho
Havasu Pedro the Lion
Multiverse Reptaliens
Archive Material Silverbacks
The Shape of Everything SOM
Tongues Tanya Tagaq
Soudain les oiseaux Vanessa Philippe
28 janvier
Three Dimensions Deep Amber Mark
Anaïs Mitchell Anais Mitchell
Face Babyface Ray
Là-bas (EP) Balnéaire
Once Upon A Time in Cyberworld Black Tiger Sex Machine
Terre promise Blutch
Alie Cats On Trees
Suivre les lucioles Claude Hurtubise
Dissolution Wave Cloakroom
Ghetto Gods EarthGang
Night Parade of One Hundred Demons Earthless
Extreme Witchcraft Eels
Feed the Beast (EP) Feed the Beast
Sometimes a Cloud Is Just a Cloud: Slow Growers, Sleeper Hits and Lost Songs (2001–2021) — Compilation Fruit Bats
Heaven, Wait Ghostly Kisses
BEEP BOOP (EP) Hello Cosmo
Aboogi Imarhan
Fantasy (EP) Jacques Greene
Météores Jasmin Lacasse Roy
The Zealot Gene Jethro Tull
Tags Joane Hétu
Cloud Berries in Alaska Joe McLeod
Ta théorie sur la lumière Juste Robert
20 Printemps Le Vent du Nord
Élixir Les Rats d'Swompe
Reimagine the Body (Remix) Lou Canon
On se déracine (EP) Marjolaine Morasse
Music for Doing Mark Guiliana
A Warrior's Dream (EP) Mat Hunsley
11:11 Pinegrove
Fragments Quatuor Esca
De novo Rank-O
Hard Times and Broken Mind (Vol.1) (EP) Raphaël Dénommé
Solipsisme (EP) Solipsisme
ANEMOIA Spaceface
Planet (EP) Squirrel Flower
The Alien Coast St. Paul & the Broken Bones
Inviolate Steve Vai
Songs/Revolving Stuffed Foxes
Letting Go, Moving Still (EP) SUGARFUNGUS
Make a Scene Sweet Alibi
The Furniture The Furniture
The Temptations 60 The Temptations
Insula Virginie B
Projections (EP) VTSS
Vé (EP)

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