Albums à venir

Album Artiste
3 septembre
No Taste Bad Waitress
Le sacre de Sainte-Barbe ce qui nous traverse
Volume 1 Charlie Parcoeur
Conversation Peace Damu the Fudgemunk
You Will Never Find Peace Deathsomnia
Mirrors DJ Seinfeld
Away Dntel
Certified Lover Boy Drake
2X1=4 F.S. Blumm et Nils Frahm
Senjutsu Iron Maiden
Ojos (EP) Jenna Kyle
Little Oblivions Remixes (EP) Julien Baker
Speed of Life (EP) Laroie
Sometimes I Might Be Introvert Little Simz
The Ultra Vivid Lament Manic Street Preachers
333 Meatbodies
Modern Kids (EP) Modern Kids
Surrounded Motorist
Painterly Nico Hedley
The Reason for My Love (EP) P.E.
Poupée Russe Sarahmée
Departing Like Rivers Shackleton
Made in Jaffna Album Shan Vincent de Paul
The Witness Suuns
Country Yutes Usain Bolt
Vortex Cargo (EP) Vortex Cargo
I Wear the Memory Warmyear
10 septembre
Mosaic Alma
God Is Partying Andrew W.K.
Andromède Andromède
Fanm nan dife (EP) Bel and Quinn
Deja Bomba Estéreo
Central Heat Exchange Central Heat Exchange
The Rain Will Cleanse Chrome Waves
Les lumières ont tué la nuit (EP) Claude l'Anthrope
A Beautiful Revolution Pt. 2 Common
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (EP) Deb Never
L'eau et la peau (EP) Gael Faure
Sommes GGRIL
A Beautiful Life Heartless Bastards
Jose J Balvin
Bauhaus, L'Appartamento Julia Bardo
Star-Crossed Kacey Musgraves
Hey What Low
Psyconia (EP) Machinedrum
K Bay Matthew E. White
Au revoir cowboys Mort Rose
Realitas (EP) Paddang
Before I Die Park Hye Jin
In the Blossom of Their Shade Pokey LaFarge
Everything Burns R.Y.F.
I've Been Trying to Tell You Saint Etienne
Antiphonals Sarah Davachi
Parallel Timeline Slothrust
L'éclat de l'or (EP) Tristan Malavoy
Bulle (EP) Xela Edna & Eius Echo
Give It Hell Yumi Zouma
17 septembre
A Southern Gothic Adia Victoria
I Am Alicia Alicia Walter
The Roadside (EP) Billy Idol
Climate of Fear Clebs
War Garden Cold Beat
Cobra Poems Daniel Romano
Sortir David Couture
Flowers of Devotion Remixed Dehd
E. Vax E. Vax
Make Peace With That Field Guide
Cache-cache (EP) Françoise
Coké Computer Fuck Toute
PICTURA DE IPSE : Musique directe Hubert Lenoir
By the time I Get to Phoenix Injury Reserve
What We Call Life Jordan Rakei
Local Valley José González
Skin Joy Crookes
I Could Be Your Dog (Prequel) Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Emile Mosseri
Enwèye à Lafayette (EP) Le Winston Band
Montero Lil Nas X
Lindsey Buckingham Lindsey Buckingham
Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream Lydia Hol
Posse EP Volume 1 (EP) Metronomy
Black Encyclopedia of the Air Moor Mother
1984 (reissue) Neon Christ
Spirit Phil Moreau
Eternal Blue Spiritbox
The Nowhere Inn Soundtrack (Bande-son) St. Vincent
Électro-Vacances Super Plage
We're Trying Our Best Sweet Nobody
Auckland, New Zealand, 2020 (Live) The Beths
Dreams to Dust The Felice Brothers
How the Garden Grows Yvette
petite nature Émile Bilodeau
24 septembre
Aftertouch Absolutely Free
one hand on the steering wheel the other sewing a garden Ada Lea
Happy End Albin de la Simone
In the Meantime Alessia Cara
How Do You Live Amon Tobin
Wilds Andy Shauf
LIFEFORMS Angels & Airwaves
La vraie signification de la vie (EP) Antoine Fugère
+/- (Polarity) Boys Noize
Cuntry Covers Vol.1 (EP) Bria
Burning Your Light (EP) Brigid Mae Power
*PAON*HYÈNE Brunnemer
Badzooks, Vol. 1 Caleb Landry
Les eaux claires Chloé Lacasse
Knopperz Dave Okumu
A Real Good Person in a Real Bad Place Des Rocs
Maestro Dominic Desjardins
Cache-cœur (EP) Gaby
J'attends encore Geneviève et Alain
Letting Go Hayden Petigo
Silvercoat the throng Hiro Kone
Holy Hive Holy Hive
Sable (Bande-son de jeu) Japanese Breakfast
UpLate (Mixtape) Joey Purp
Perfect Gray Joyer
Showgirl (EP) L'freaq
At War With the Silverfish (EP) Laura Jane Grace
The Sound of Yourself Mac McCaughan
Máscara Mas Aya
Prose combat MC Solaar
Again (Part 1) (EP, reprises) Men Without Hats
Momentum Michel Cusson
And then Life Was Beautiful Nao
SUNDAYS Nate Mercereau
Next Level Soap Opera Nina Savary
Music Is Dead Nolan Potter
Black Prayers OBI
Grand voyage désorganisé Patrice Michaud
Flux Poppy
Siren Spine Sysex Proc Fiskal
Bright Magic Public Service Broadcasting
Pantomine Radiant Baby
Dancing Through the Void School of X
Distance Shawn Jobin
XXI Succumb
Blink Once The Arkells
This Time I See It The Franklin Electric
De la perspective d'un vieil homme (EP) Thierry Larose
Lights, Slow Places (EP) Wings for Louise

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