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Lenny | Lancement d’EP au Club Social Le Scaphandrier

2021-10-15 @ 20:30

12$ à 15$

KICKDRUM présente le lancement du EP Personal Celebrity de l’artiste canadienne basée à Montréal Lenny.

Premières parties par Marlaena Moore + Sable.

Au Diving Bell Social Club / Club Social Le Scaphandrier

Portes 20:00

Spectacle  20:30

$12 (en avance)

$15 (à la porte)

À propos des musicien.nes

Lenny: Iconic Babe, could also be a comedian, all around sweetheart and ALSO playing her debut EP ‘Personal Celebrity’ full of emotional, folky tunes n pop hooks for us!

Marlaena Moore just moved to Montreal and we are all the better for it! Her latest album is lyrically and vocally devastating, so get ready to shed a silent tear at your little covid table

Sable makes Perfect Pop. Catchy, magical production, acoustic guitar and the sweetest vocals. Is she too good for us? Probably tbh


Club Social Le Scaphandre
3956 boul. St-Laurent
Montréal, Québec H2W 1Y3 Canada
+ Google Map
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