
Nouvel album pour Courtney Barnett

Courtney Barnett annonce la sortie de son nouvel album, Tell Me How You Really Feel, le 18 mai prochain. La jeune femme qui a fait paraître Lotta Sea Lice l’an dernier, un projet collaboratif avec Kurt Vile, lance du même coup son premier simple titré Nameless, Faceless. Le refrain de cette dernière étant une citation de Margaret Atwood :

I want to walk through the park in the dark

Men are scared that women will laugh at them

I want to walk through the park in the dark

Women are scared that men will kill them

I hold my keys between my fingers

– Nameless, Faceless


Voici la liste des chansons qui composeront Tell Me How You Really Feel:



City Looks Pretty


Need a Little Time

Nameless, Faceless

I’m Not Your Mother, I’m Not Your Bitch

Crippling Self Doubt and a General Lack of Self-Confidence

Help Your Self

Walkin’ on Eggshells

Sunday Roast

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